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Love Ninjas news

Freitag, November 30

VN bei Pro7 Galileo

Es ist nichts so besonderes, aber erwähnt werden kann es doch trotzdem. In Galileos Bericht über Erotik- und Modefallen hat Pro7 Dangerzone als Hintergrundmusik benutzt. Allerdings kann man sich den Grund dafür aus dem Namen des Liedes herleiten, denn unsere Ninja-Girls sind doch alles andere als eine Erotik- oder Modefalle.

Das Video gibts hier.

Sonntag, November 25

Die Ninjas bei eBay kaufen?

Oulson will das Markenzeichen von Vanilla Ninja für 44500 Dollar (469475 Estnische Kronen) bei eBay verkaufen!? Es klingt verrückt aber es is leider die Wahrheit.

Dazu verkaufen sie ausserdem die Domain Die Rechte an Vanilla Ninja sind noch bis zum 15.12.2014 gültig.

Lenna gegen HIV

Lenna nimmt an einer Kampanie gegen HIV teil. Am ersten Dezember wird, um 17 Uhr, in der Saint Kaarl Kirche ein Konzert als Teil der Kampanie gegen HIV statt finden. Das Konzert heißt "Minu inimesed" (My People).
Während der Übertragung dieses Konzertes wird Lenna ihre Meinung sagen und jeden dazu auffordern einen HIV-Test zu machen.
Die Gewinner der EMA 07 werden auch teilnehmen.
Für mehr Informationen könnt ihr die Homepage besuchen.

Freitag, November 23

Piret and Lenna bei Mantlipärija's Celebrities

Zum Irak Video

The VN girls think that the trip to Bagdad was the most exciting adventure they have ever had. Katrin got ill during the trip and is right now getting well at home. The VN girls arrived in Kuwait last Tuesday. They were taken to a house with thick concrete walls. "Thank god we could sleep in one room with other girls" says Katrin. "We tried to turn off the air conditioner. It made a lot of noise and the room was very cold already. That's why I got ill" says Katrin. In the morning they ate a very good breakfast. "As there are the USA soldiers in Arisjan, you can buy American snacks, fries and burgers there" laughs Katrin. On the same day they were taken to the airport by bus. "We sat on the plane with the bulletproof vests and helmets. Only then it's allowed to fly there."

The plane landed in Iraq at night. "We were a little bit scared but not that much, because there were a lot of soldiers everywhere" tells Katrin. In the contingent the girls were taken to a house which looked like a bomb shelter. The windows were covered with sand bags, but the inside was very nice and cosy. They could hear the war noises. "It was kind of scary when we heard the sounds of the helicopters. As it was dark, we couldn't see anything" says Katrin. Lenna heard a sound of a bomb explosion during the dinner. A little bit later the alarm signal was started. "We left the lunch room and heard the bombing – it felt like in a war movie" says Katrin. "Everything was so realistic. We didn't know anything and maybe it was better like this, because otherwise we would have been scared. Now, all we can remember are the positive things."

The first concert was given on Thursday in Taji base. "We were listened by thousands of soldiers and they really enjoyed the concert" says Katrin. Some soldiers climbed on the stage and after the concert the VN girls gave autographs. The Estonian soldiers got the newest album LIW. The girls regret that they didn't take more albums with them because everybody wanted the LIW albums. "We were just chatting with the Estonian soldiers for 2 hours. It was such a good feeling." The second concert was given in the Virginia base.

During the 2 days they could do a lot of new things. "We could act like the soldiers and try shooting. We could ride in a tank which weighed about 70 tons. We were told that it can go through a house" says Katrin. Sunday was a free day and they could look around in Kuwait. They were amazed by the huge houses there. "You can't see anything like this in Estonia" mentions Katrin.

They started their way back to Estonia on Sunday. Unfortunately they had to wait for 8 hours in a German airport. "We were just moving around the airport like zombies, drinking tea and coffee and playing cards" says Katrin. They got home at Monday night. "I don't regret anything. This feeling was incredible!" says Katrin. Lenna agrees with her: "It was the most interesting trip ever!"

Interesting quotations translated from the video:

Piret: "Of course we were very happy about the offer to give a concert here, but we were also a bit afraid of the war here and you never know what might happen."
Lenna: "While Katrin is exploring the tanks, we are sunbathing with Piret."
Katrin: "We are going to have a ride with THREE tanks. Three girls and three tanks."
Katrin: "The soldiers were suprisingly shy. We were waiting for them to open themselves and talk about their life here, but the life of a soldier is not that easy, so we understand them."
Katrin: "The tanks are more comfortable than the hummers."
Lenna: "You could see from the crowd the differences between different nations – Estonian soldiers were very shy, while the US soldiers were more active. But it was better to give a concert to the Estonian soldiers. It felt very good."
Piret: "We could see that the soldiers were very happy that we came. When we were about to leave, they came in front of our hotel and held a speech and gave as a photo with them and us in it. It was very sad and I almost started to cry."
Lenna: "I also felt very sad. Estonians don't talk a lot, but if they do, they really mean what they say."

Quelle: Love-Ninjas

Donnerstag, November 22

VN im Irak

Unsere Girls haben mal wieder bewiesen das sie Mut haben. Dieses Video müsst ihr euch ansehen, denn Vn sieht man nich alle Tage in der Uniform des Estnischen Militärs und schon garnicht in einem Panzer! Allerdings würde es uns dochmal interessieren, was sie da überreicht bekommen haben.

Montag, November 19

Eine weiter Email eines Soldaten aus dem Irak zum VN Konzert

Hey i just recently heard of you and went to your show in Camp Taji, Iraq. It was awesome! A break from all the same old grind of celebrities coming and just talking to us about "hangin in there" and "keeping our heads up when its tough." But, your show was an actual show and that made all the defference. To be honest I didn't think much about the concert, until I got there heard you guys start playing, but once the concert was over I couldn't wait to meet you guys at the Mudhouse Coffe shop. I hoped you sort of remember us, we did a half-ass attempt at crowd-surfing and we deffinately started other people to mosh with us. All I know is that it was one crazy time. At the coffee shop you guys did a sort of accoustic song and that was pretty cool. Me and my buddies were wondering if you have or were thinking about making an accoustic album of your songs? I hope that I won't have to come back here, but if I do hopefully I will get to see Vanilla Ninja again. But, I know I would rather see you in the States sometime. Well I hope you enjoyed your tour in Iraq, I know you made other's and my tour a little more enjoyable.

Samstag, November 17

Die ersten Folgen der Soap mit Lenna

Die ersten Folgen der Soap mit Lenna sind online und ihr könnt sie auf VN-VIP downloaden. Sie haben die Sendung vom 14. und 15. November.

P.S. Wenn jemanden die direkt Links stören dann bitte ne eMail ;). Kai


Piret wird demnächst zusammen mit Lenna Donnerstags um 20:30 Uhr auf TV3 in einer Reality Show zusehen sein.

Ausserdem wird Piret für MTV am 23. November im Hollywood Club in Tallinn eine Party begleiten.

Lenna wieder auf Gospel Tour

Lenna wird wieder mit Lauri Pihlap, Nele-Liis Vaiksoo, Rolf Junior, Lauri Liiv, Maiken, Janika Sillamaa, Raimondo Laikre, Kaire Vilgats, Mikk Saar, Susan Lilleväli, Bert Pringi, Marian Saar, Kaido Põldma, Tanja Mihhailova und Jakko Maltis auf Gospel Tour gehen. Die Termine sind:

11.12 Rakvere
17.12 Pärnu
12.12 Tartu
18.12 Türi Püha
16.12 Jõhvi
19.12 Viljandi
20.12 Tallinn (Finale)

Donnerstag, November 15

Erstes Irak Konzert ist vorbei

Heute war das erste Konzert der Ninjas im Irak. Die eMail eines Amerikanischen Soldaten gibt Auskunft:

"Hey I just seen Vanilla Ninjas in concert, today November 15, 2007 and I wanted to say that they were great. I would like to thank them for coming into Iraq to put on a show for all the Soldiers fighting this war. It was great to have such a morale buster plus they are very attractive. I would like to say thank you again for your support in the war against terrorism. Thanks again."
Quelle: Love-Ninjas

Wir würden doch gerne mal ein paar Bilder sehen ;)

SL Õhtuleht schreibt:

The band performed for over an hour in the army base, which is placed near Bagdad. They performed 15 songs + one bonus song. The audience were American and Estonian soldiers.
Liutenant Kivistik said after the concert, that this was the best thing, which happened during their service in Taji. „It is very important for soldiers to feel the support of Estonia, while being far away from home. That concert helped to take our thoughts away of everday proplems and dangers surrounding us.“
Vanilla Ninja's members gave to every Estonian soldier a free copy of their album "Love Is War".
There have been previous concerts for Estonian army members, who are in service abroad, for example singer Ines performed in Bosnia, and bands Meie Mees (Our Man) and Blacky in Kosovo.

Mittwoch, November 14

Offizielle Homepage für Chile

Nun ist endlich wieder eine offizielle Vanilla Ninja Homepage im Bau. Allerdings die für Chile, als promotion für das kommende große Event dort.

Ihr könnt sie euch hier mal ansehen. Ausserdem gibt es eine dazugehörige MySpace Page und einen Fotoblog.

Lennas Rolle in der Soap

Wie wir euch ja schon vor einiger Zeit mitgeteilt hatten, spielt Lenna in der in Estland sehr beliebten Soap "Kodu Keset Linna" mit.
Sie spielt Angela, die 16 jährige Freundin von Henri dem Son der Hauptcharaktere Hannes und Helen. Henris Eltern wollen seine Freundin wirklich gerne kennen lernen denn er hat ihnen erzählt das sie wunderschön sei. So wird Angela (Lenna) beim heutigen Familien Essen auftauchen.


Ninjas im Irak - bestätigt!

Jetzt ist es klar, Vanilla Ninja fliegen in den Irak, das bestätigt Lenna in der Unterhaltungssendung "Ein Tag mit Lenna Kuurmaa" auf Kanal 2.

Die jetzt von den Vertragsproblemen in Estland und Deutschland befreiten Ninjas planen eine Woche in den Irak zu fliegen.

Aber das nicht um eine Promotour zu veranstalten, sondern um für die Estnische Soldaten aufzutreten.

Kurt (VN-Linn) hat vor ein paar Tagen eine Mail an Hector Faune geschrieben und auch prompt eine Antwort bekommen. Hector Faune schrieb eine Mail an Lenna um herauszukriegen was es mit den zukünftigen Konzerten auf sich hat. Lenna gab keine Antwort zum Thema Irak, sie schrieb nur das sich alle drei am Monntag mit ihrem Rechtsanwalt treffen, und dieser Rechtsanwalt kann bald zurückschreiben. Also nicht wirklich neue Informationen.


Sonntag, November 11 mal wieder

On appeared article about Vanilla Ninja rights. Here is translation:
Trademark "VANILLA NINJA" has been sold to OULSON OUTSOURSING OÜ.
Vanilla Ninja, trademark 40349, classes: 09, 16, 35, 41

Class 09:

Science-purposed, sea-geodesia, photo, film, otpics, weighing, measuring, signalisation, controll, lifeguard and study materials and study decides; electrical, distribution, study transmutation decices, batterizing, regluating and controll devices, lifeguard and - devices; sound or vision recording, performing, airing, memory cards, CD-s, automatic sale machines and mechanisms, cashiers, calculators, IT tech and computers, fire extinguishers.

Class 16:

Paper, cartong and products made of not belonging to other classes, prints, photos, stationery, house applies and glues, artist stationery, brushes, printers and secretary stationaery (except furniture), study materials and examples (except machines), plastic packing material not beloning to other classes, fonts, cliques

Class 35:
Advertising, business, office services

Class 41:

Education, schooling, entertainment, sports and cultural activity.

EwTrade OU "gave over" the rights of "Vanilla Ninja" to OULSON OUTSOURSING OÜ.

Quelle: love-ninjas

Donnerstag, November 8

I have no time to start a family

On the 3rd of November Piret was on the meeting in Estonian school Paalalinna in Viljandi, where she answered a few questions.
Ninjagirl admitted that she has no time to start the family right now. As written on Piret Järvis took a little break from the band so people were interested if there are family plans. MTV VJ answered laughing that at the moment she's too busy and she has not got enough time to start family.
"I'm not planning to have kids, I've just started working in MTV".

MTV boss Karoli Hindriks gave a signal that she wouldn't like to let Järvis have the maternity hollidays.

Picture from this meeting you can find in thier gallery - click here.

Quelle: Love-Ninjas

Dienstag, November 6

One day with Lenna

Wie wir euch vor ein paar Tagen mitgeteilt haben wurde im Estnischen Fernsehen eine Sendung gezeigt in der man einen Tag in Lennas Leben verfolgen konnte. Dieses Video haben wir nun für euch.

Leider gibt es keine englischen oder sogar deutschen Untertitel, so lässt sich meistens leider nur erraten was Lenna da gerade erzählt. Was uns bei der Bandprobe und am Ende des Videos aufgefallen ist, ist dass ein Lied von unseren Ninjas angespielt wurde, das uns noch nicht bekannt ist. Das wird dann wohl mit ziemlicher sicherheit bedeuten das wir bald wieder mehr von ihnen erwarten dürfen.

Dann mal viel Spaß!

PS: Diesmal leider nicht YouTube, weil Google YouTube immer mehr verwurstet (höflich ausgedrückt) und daher die beider Videos nicht akzeptert (Angeblich sind 11 Minuten zu lang).

Sonntag, November 4

Lenna in der Jury

Auf sind noch ein paar neue Bilder von Lenna auf denen zusehen ist wie sie in einer Jury sitzt. Welche Jury das ist wissen wir momentan leider nicht.

Making of Soap Opera with Lenna

Ein making of Video der Soap in der Lenna demnächst mitspielen wird ("Kodu keset linna" auf TV3) könnt ihr euch hier ansehen.

Vanilla Ninja gehen in den Irak?

Laut Kroonika wird Lenna oder komplett Vanilla Ninja in den Irak gehen um dort für die Soldaten zu spielen. Dazu wollen sie eine Woche dort bleiben und 2 Konzerte geben.
Mehr ist dazu bis jetzt noch nicht bekannt. Das neue Kroonika das nächste Woche erscheint soll klarheit verschaffen.

Wir sind uns nicht sicher ob das eine gute Idee ist, da Konzerte bekanntlich größere Menschenansammlungen sind und damit grade in diesem Gebiet stark von Terror-Anschlägen gefährdet sind.
Hoffentlich geht alles gut oder noch besser wäre es wenn sie einfach in Estland bleiben würden. Sie haben im Kriegsgebiet wirklich nichts verloren! Das ist die Meinung von

Piret in Buduaar

Unsere Piret hat in Buduaar ein Interview beantwortet.
Es geht um ihr Make-Up, Leute um sie herum und ihre Freizeit.

1. What do you think about the phrase ”There is no such thing as bad publicity”?
It depends on what the person who gets bad publicity is claiming for. It is obvious that the more people and media talk about you, the more famous you are. If you really need to be very famous, then even bad publicity is good for you.

2. A lot of people in Estonia claim that there are no stars in Estonia, but only famous people. What do you think about this? Are there any stars in Estonia? Who is a “star” in your opinion?
There are a lot of stars in the Estonian sky.

3. Name 7 most important things that a person should experience-do during his/her life.
1. Loving,
2. understanding,
3. caring,
4. forgiving,
5. believing,
6. wanting,
7. achieving.
Maybe there are more important factors, but these 7 came to my head first.

4. Name 7 job offers which you wouldn't reject.
I wouldn't reject any of these 7 co-operation offers made by:
1. Dave Grohl,
2. Lenny Kravitz,
3. Ville Valo,
4. Trent Reznor,
5. Jack White,
6. Slash
7. or the person who produced ”Umbrella”.

5. Which are your 7 suggestions for spending free time?
You should use your free time for doing things that you haven't done yet and for saying things that you haven't said yet. This especially goes for your family, friends and people you love. You should “waste” your free time on them, because without them it would be very difficult to stand your overload at work. Time is time. You should not categorize it in “free” and “engaged”. You should use your time sensibly. If you have a feeling that your work doesn't offer you enough pleasure or fun, then apparently you are doing the wrong thing and you are just wasting your time. The whole time should ideally seem “free” because people must complete their tasks voluntarily.

6. Name 7 fashionable things that you would like to buy, but haven't bought yet.
I don't really know what's “in” right now, so I'm not going to tell here what I'd like to buy. It can happen that I name something very unfashionable.

7. Name 7 of your favourite make-up products.
1. Face cream (MAC),
2. mascara (Max Factor),
3. lip balm (Lush Lip Squeak),
4. and 5. SenScience ”Silk Moisture” shampoo and balsam,
6. Senscience ”Inner Restore” mask,
7. Shiseido eyelash curler

Samstag, November 3

Piret bei den EMA

Piret ist bei bei den EMA in München.

MTV Estonia VJ Piret Järvis is in Munich, Germany right now. She has been there since Sunday already. The first two days were calm but on Wednesday, when Bedwetters was on stage making a rehearsal, the emotions were very high. “It was so sweet to see them on the stage” says Piret Järvis. She has no clue about how the boys would feel if they really won the award.

Piret is representing the MTV Baltics together with the Latvian and Lithuanian VJs, so their tasks are divided. For example the Lithuanian VJ went to the press conference and Piret interviewed the Bedwetters band. “I hope to see and interview the stars before the show” says Piret.

On Tuesday the VJs of MTV Baltics had free time and they went to a Foo Fighters concert. “Munich isn't very excited because of the EMA” thinks Piret. “They know about this concert. There are not many advertisements on the streets and the people are very calm. Most of the people say that they are going to watch the show on TV.”

Piret can enjoy the life of an anonymous person. When Vanilla Ninja was very famous in Germany, there were a lot of fans asking for autographs everywhere. “We haven't given any concerts here for a long time, so nobody has asked me for an autograph yet. Some people recognize me, but they don't come to me. I think that most of the people don't recognize me.”

SEE pics of Piret on EMA!

Quelle: Love-Ninjas

Donnerstag, November 1

Ein Tag von Lennas Leben?

Laut Love-Ninjas wir auf Kanal2 (Estnischer Fernsehsender) diesen Samsatg ein kompletter Tag aus Lennas Leben zusehen sein (Üks päev Lenna Kuurmaaga). Die Sendung soll am 3.11. um 20:55 Uhr ausgestrahlt und am 4.11 um 15:05 wiederholt werden.

Wir haben dies überprüft und müssen leider sagen das dies eine falsche Information ist! Auf dem Online-Programmplan von Kanal2 steht nichts davon! An beiden Daten läuft dort die Sendung "Üks päev Gerd Kanteriga".

Wenn es trotzdem stimmen sollte hoffen wir bald eine Aufnahme davon zu erhalten.