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Love Ninjas news

Samstag, Januar 26

Marja Roxx ist zurück!

Nach Maarjas langer Pause und ihrem Trip in die USA, wo sie ihr neues Album aufgenommen hat, ist sie nun zurück. Sie hat nun eine neue Single namens "21!?". Sie hat dazu ein Interview im Radio in Luxemburg gegeben.
Ihre EP wird im Februar in den USA veröffentlicht und etwas später in Europa.

Ihr könnt hier schon mal reinhören.

40 estnische Ninja Scans

Love-Ninjas hat 40 Scans aus estnischen Magazinen online gestellt.
ihre Gallerie könnt ihr euch hier ansehen.

Mittwoch, Januar 23

Lenna in Indien!?

Wir haben einen Brief von Lenna in dem sie über ihr Abenteuer in Indien berichtet. Leider reichen unsere estnisch Kenntnisse noch nicht aus um alles zu verstehen. Was wir euch aber sagen können ist das es 38 Grad warm war und sie am Strand gechillt hat.

Trotz des estnisch möchten wir euch den Brief nicht vor enthalten:
"Hei kõik armsad , käisin vahepeal Indias paar nädalat, puhkamas üle pika aja.Ja kuna Kätlin palus väikest kokkuvõtet reisist, siis siin see on: 38 kraadi sooja, ujusin, olin rannas, trippisime enamus asjat mööda Goad ringi põhjast lõunasse, ja ühe ööpäeva olime ka Mumbais.Kui Goas oli selline mõnus ja chill beach-i-elu, siis Mumbai osutus täielikuks shokiks.Alustuseks võtsime takso lennujaamast kesklinna, liiklus oli totaalne robotite-mäss.Sellist kaost pole ma varem näinud.Ametlikult 3 realisel teel oli äkitselt moodustunud 6-7 rida ja kõik signaalitasid ja trügisid nii mis jaksasid.Õnneks oli meie taksojuht parajalt nahaalne, muidu ei oleks me kuhugi ka jõudnud.Kehtis reegel, kes ees , see mees.Mumbais nägime ka totaalset vaesust, mis oli väga valus silmadele.Meile jääb arusaamatuks kuidas nad seal üldse niimoodi elavad...2x2 meetrit karbid või hütikesed, kus pole vett, lapsed mängivad suure peatee ääres..neil kel pole isegi hütte, magava öösel tänavate servades, terved perekonnad, naised väikeste lastega.Mumbai kesklinnas.see oli õudne vaatepilt. Olen kindlal arusaamal,et meil siin pole häda midagi.Oleme õnnega koos, pole põhjust virisemiseks ja need raskused mis vahepeal tunduvad ületamatud- think again- elu on ikka hea siin Eesti Vabariigis. Aitab tumedamast poolest. Soovitan kõigile Indiat külastada, mina jäin reisiga väga rahule ja kavatsen kindlasti tagasi minna, nii palju jäi veel avastamata...:) kõike ilusat teile , ärge laske hallil ja muserdaval ilmal vaimu üle võimust


Sexy Lenna

Wir sind uns zwar nicht sicher ob dieses Bild vom Kroonika Kalender wirklich neu ist, aber da es bis jetzt relativ unbekannt scheint:

Ausserdem mal ne Frage an unsere Leser: Ist das Tattoo echt?

Dienstag, Januar 22

Warum Lenna nicht wieder am Eurolaul teilnimmt

In der heutigen Ausgabe der Web-Ausgabe der Õhtuleht erklärt Lenna, warum sie nicht die Chance nutzt wieder am Eurolaul teil zu nehmen.
"I didn't get the feeling that you could win the competition with that song"
erklärt Lenna warum sie nicht Imre Sooääre's Eurovisions Lied singen wollte. Sie erinnert sich, dass sie den 8ten Platz mit "Cool Vibes" belegten, sie wusste vorher schon das der Song erfolgreich sein könnte.
"This time I didn't feel like that. And there's no point doing anything half-steamed".

VN Markenzeichen als Vallentins Geschenk!

Vanilla Ninjas Markenzeichen für Estland wurde letzte Woche verkauft. Dies wurde gestern auf Radio Uuno in "Totaalne ärkamine" bekannt gegeben. Raadio Uuno's DJ Aleksander Ots und Ninjas Anwalt Andres Aavik sind die neuen Besitzer.
Sie versprachen es zurück zu den Ninjas zu geben als ein Geschenk am Vallentinstag! Aleksander Ots erklärte, dass er das Markenzeichen kaufte, weil er VN mag und der ganze Lärm und das schreckliche Verhalten um alles störte ihn. So entschied er sich dazu es zu kaufen.

Wir können dazu nur sagen:
Danke!, solche Leute braucht das Land ;)

Sonntag, Januar 20

Wir sind offiziell!

Wir sind die offizielle Vanilla Ninja Homepage, zu mindest laut dem online Service Discogs.
Sie haben auf ihrer Informationsseite zu Vanilla Ninja unsere VN Homepage als offizielle angegeben.


Samstag, Januar 19

Piret macht Werbung für Cola

Piret wirbt auf der estnischen Coke & Food Interaktive Webseite!
Geht mal mit dem Cursor auf Piret oder klickt auf den Punkten um sie herum und guckt mal was passiert. Wenn ihr etwas wartet werdet iht sehen, wie sie Cola trinkt oder etwas isst.

Piret for Stiina

Piret answered some questions about her favourite things for Stiina magazine!

1. Song: Paramore "Crush, Crush, Crush" – it is kind of light but also poprock with an extra cool attitude. Paramore has a very eye-catching artist who looks like Pipi Longstockings with her orange hair. And I am sure that a lot of you will soon want this kind of hair!

2. Band: Kings Of Leon. This is a rock band from the USA. The members of the band are three brothers and their cousin. Of course they make cool music but what’s funny about them is that the frontman of the band reminds of our local comedian Jan Uuspõld.

3. Reading: fairy-tales. Find your fairy-tale books which were read by your moms-dads when you were young. "Snow White ", "Ugly Duckling", "Little Prince" etc – all these are beautiful but at the same time sad also. They hide the simple truths of life.

4. Accessories: mother. Instead of hanging in the mall with your friends, go to shopping, cinema or café with your mother… Or make a little walk with her and talk about the life.

5. Drink: tea. My personal favourites are peppermint tea (made of fresh peppermint leaves, my number 1 for sure), green tea with jasmine and Indian chai latte with honey. Why tea? But why not? :)

Quelle: Love-Ninjas

Lenna wieder im Theater

Lenna wird wieder eine Rolle im Theater spielen. Das Stück heißt "Perikles" (W. Shakespeare) and die Premiere ist am 14.3.

Abgesehn von Lenna werden viele andere estnische Stars wie z.B. Risto Kübar, Mirtel Pohla, Tambet Tuisk, Gert Raudsep, Sergo Vares, Inga Salurand, Rasmus Kaljujärv (Gerüchten zufolge Lennas Freund), Marika Vaarik and Andres Mähar mitspielen.

Mittwoch, Januar 16

Piret für die Umwelt

Gestern seit gestern nimmt Piret an einer Kampagne gegen Klimawechsel und für die Umwelt teil.


Lenna und Piret haben verloren & Vina del Mar News

Leider haben Lenna und Piret in Kes soidab Pekingisse verloren und werden nicht nach Beijing gehen.

Ein Video dazu gibts wieder von Danke.

Eine Playlist des Vina del Mar 2008 Festivals ist online. Estland ist mit den Ninjas auf dem 8ten Platz. Ausserdem wird Birds of Peace speziell für Vina del Mar in einer neuen Version präsentiert, welche englische und estnische Texte enthällt.

Samstag, Januar 12

Lenna mit Bedwetters beim ESC 2008?

Estonian singer Ines was first choice to perform "It's never too late". After she refused, they considered a joint project with the Bedwetters (first ever Estonian band to win MTV EMA) together with Vanilla Ninja Lenna Kuurmaa. As that fell through as well, they turned to Estonian Pop Idol runner-up Luisa Värk who will compete together with boy band Traffic.

Interview in Chilean newspaper

Vanilla Ninja girls don't know a lot of Spanish. They sing in English and communication is better this way. But they can speak a bit of Spanish and some bad words too. They know how to say hola (hi), juevon and cerveza, por favor (a beer, please).
"I want to have an experience of playing for a completely new audience and it will be interesting to see a country like Chile, it's an ideal place to come for a show, but I am afraid that I will fall in love with Chile" says Piret.
"We want to impregnate the emotion of the public, we are told that people are very warm, I can't wait for the time to come there" adds Lenna.
The public of the festival gets very cold if they don't like something, they are considered to be "the Monster". Doesn't it scare you to face him?
Lenna: Noone counts for the "Mooooonster", but we think that with our music and our enchantment the Monster is going to fall tired on our feet.
Piret: After all we are "Ninjas", we cannot be scared of him.
Do you know anything about Chile and the Festival?
Katrin: We have never been to Chile, but what we have seen on Internet - landscapes, the coast, seems to us a phenomenal place. I like to eat fish and seafood and I see that in Chile they have enough of this type of food.
Piret: To be honest I didn't know anything. Everything I knew is that Chile is the longest and thin country worldwide and it is in the south of Latin America. I am very excited to learn more of its culture and its people and everything what is possible.
Here we don't know much about Estonia, except that its women are very beautiful as you. Is it an advantage of your career?
Piret: Thanks for a compliment! To be beautiful can be an advantage sometimes, but also it can work in a bad way. Many think that pretty people are idiots, and this prejudiction has already touched us. On the other side we need to recognize what's necessary in good performing apart from only having good music.
Lenna: Perhaps it is certain that the women are very beautiful, but for us also the style in Latin America is very attractive. We are excited to meet the boys, who have to be very charming, we have heard a lot about the "Latin Lovers".

Quelle: Love-Ninjas

VN in "La Tercera"

Im Online Release der "La Tercera" Zeitschrift ist ein Artikel mit der Überschrift "Vanilla Ninja expected to show at the Festival of Vińa what they do best". Er handelt über VN beim Festival. Ausserdem ist dort auch noch eine kurze Präsentation über die Ninjas.

"After 6 years career it's time to look to Latin America, as we have been always intrigued by everything connected to Latin culture."
"We have been told that the people are very warm there, we want to see the reaction of people to our music. We are very receptive at the scene, we'll show in Vińa what we do best, we have a career with a background in Europe and Asia and we feel that in Chile and the Festival we will make a great presentation".

Tanel and Lenna - Nii Siis Jääbki

Tanel Padar und Lenna mit "Nii Siis Jääbki" bei Kaks Takti Ette.

Dienstag, Januar 8

Erste Offizielle Seite offen!

Nun ist es endlich soweit. Die erste offizielle Seite seit ist nun online: Es ist die Seite für Latein-Amerika. Guckt sie euch mal an.

Temporär haben wir exklusiv hier einen Link zu der Seite auf Englisch.

Montag, Januar 7

Neue Single von Maarja

Laut wird Maarja, die sich nun Marya Roxx nennt, im Februar eine neue Single names "21?!" in Amerika und Europa veröffentlichen. Auf MySpace wird der 25 Januar angegeben.

Genaueres ist uns dazu bis jetzt noch nicht bekannt.

Sonntag, Januar 6

Vanilla Ninja to conquer South America!

Vanilla Ninja is on their way to conquer South America!

Vanilla Ninja is as powerful as never before. 1.5 years of troubles around their name in court are over and found their happy end. Piret, Katrin and Lenna now know themselves how to organize band stuff and in February they are going to conquer a new market. Katrin and Piret talk about the trio's crazy year.

Who or what surprised you the most in the public life in 2007?
Piret: The gossip news have crossed the line – they are trying to surprise all the time. A la – Amy Winehouse and Britney – it's a total overproduction. But who will get smarter thanks to those stories anyway? OK, you are reading again that someone has trashed her hotel room while being high – so what? I'm sorry that it's now a tradition how to promote their music.
Katrin: Just one day a journalist from Kroonika called me and said they had seen me walking around with a bag of onion near the Marketplace. I said, I do buy onions from there and use them in cooking many diffrent cuisines. Then the journalist asked: „Are you an onion fanatic?“ No, I'm not an onion – fanatic. It's the same as I would be a paprica or cucumber fanatic – I use them in foodmaking too. And that's how those news are born. But when answering a question no celebrity can surprise me no more.
You seem to be very proper and good behaving. Do you sometimes make star-like fooleries too?
Piret: Oh, we have made stupid things too. Once in Germany we decided to „low down our tensions“ and turned one dressing room upside down. We threw food on the walls, wrote on mirrors, so all the room was covered with leftovers of our food war. So we basically trashed the whole room. After that we got admonished too and we felt guilty. Because normally we don't act like that. Luckily we didn't have to pay a penalty this time.
Katrin: I have managed to stay away from those filthy fooleries, but it was quite great to throw those fruits there. Lenna once threw a lamp out of the hotel room window, I think it was in Germany. Could have get quite a scandalous story out of it, if media would have known that. We have partied along with world famous stars too, but I'm not gonna tell names here.
On 30th of November the auction over VN's trademark ended. How did you feel?
Katrin: I beg you not to mention that Russian man name, who put it to „sale“. Let's not talk about it at all, it isn't connected to us at all.
Year 2007 ended succesfuly to the band. Your former record company EMI won the trial in Germany. So how was the year for VN?
Piret: It was like a rollercoaster ride – very fast, with curves, exiting, dangerous, stressful, and finally we were satisfied. The win in Germany was really a very good piece of information.
Katrin: The year was really succesful, but it was full with tribulations thanks to people who stood on our way and tried to slow us down. Right now it's all finally okay again and holidays are awaiting!

There are talks, that for VN there are a new winds blowing in February...
Katrin: Yes, warm Chile winds are blowing for us. If everything goes as planned, we are participating in a big song contest.
Piret: Right now the interest for us is big contest in Latin America and the first step in promoting will be done in February, when we participate in a festival called Vina Del Mar ( and One Chilean record company found us thanks to one Polish fan and now the record company worker is a fan himself – he made a meticulous analyze of our songs and is waiting for us, he even thinks we could win. Record company Broken Records wants to release our CD.
Katrin: Chile is a country where we haven't been before, we really want to go. We may do a little promo-tour through Latin America. To many world famous stars Latin America has been the start for their big careers. We hope to stay there longer than 10 days.
Piret: Right now we are the managers of the band, because things are going quite slow at the moment and we are able to control them ourselves. We certainly don't need a manager in Estonia. But we do need him abroad. We ain't gonna release a new album anytime soon, and we ain't gonna perform in clubs every night – routine bandwork is out of question, we are not gonna do it. We are just resting and accepting biggest and most interesting projects. We were like squirrels stuck on a wheel for years and now we need a little different life. Most important is to deny the stories talking about us breaking up.
Many bands, duos, trios, who seemed almost impossible to separate in some points, have started to quarrel and now don't communicate with band members at all. What could cause that, if it would happen to you?
Piret: We have no plans of breaking up, then why to bother ourselves with thoughts „what if...“. Life makes its own corrections, if necessary.
Katrin:'s totally normal, when u have done something for years and years with a total commitment then in time it's necessary to take a longer vacation. After being in the rut of the musicbusiness for 6 years, we have that plan too. We want to load the batteries and get new exciting ideas, let our mind flow.
How have you handed out the tasks in your band?
Piret: Everyone does something. Katrin deals more with the economic part and book-keeping. She is studying law now too. She is the most economicly-thinking person in our band.
Katrin: Piret communicates with the press more, she is the best in that. Lenna deals with the repertory and puts together the programme. But really, we all do something. We are not someone’s slaves and we don’t decide things when even one person is not ok with it. For that matter, we are like a superfamily.
Do you ever get any gossip in between yourselves?
Katrin: We are outspoken with each other. We say everything out, if something is bothering us and noone takes it to heart. This is the most right thing.
Which concert was the most memorable this year?
Piret: The most awesome concerts were certainly in Iraq and Kuwait. You may think that is very dangerous there and something can happen, but to be honest, the scariest concert we had this year was in Kohtla-Järve, where some of the audience lost control and they needed to be controlled with pepper spray, which carried over on our stage with the wind. We had to cancel the show for about 15 minutes.
Katrin: One of the most fierce ones for me was the summer MTV party in Latvia in front of an enormous audience and one other concert in front of a bit smaller audience in Tartu city hall and GoLive in Tallinn. I like those powerful shows, where the audience is not afraid to go insane and get it on.
What was the most shocking or surprising thing about performing in Iraq?
Piret: It was a state of war there. We couldn’t even leave the military base, because it was really dangerous. Everything in there was surprising. It was noticeable, how many people really have been roped in to the war, and if you’d start to think in a human level, that is really tough. None of the locals and the soldiers that are sent there feel normal in that kind of situation. What for are they doing it? Again some naphta subject. Some time ago they were promised that Americans will come and bring democracy, but now even the sewage isn’t working in Baghdad and the place is a total mess. We explored that Americans don’t even have the idea to go there in the near future. All of it is so suspicious.
What were the biggest changes in your personal life in 2007?
Piret: The thing I am most happy for is the eye surgery. It has changed my life more comfortable and easy. Other big event was going to work for the MTV. I am so happy with my decision, I feel that I’m in the right place.
Katrin: Some really enjoyable adventures have come into my life and lots of important decisions: I discovered yoga for my body and soul, changed my major in the university, became more active in sports and one really special person came into my life, with whom I have made some very interesting trips. (By the time this magazine comes out, Katrin is already in India. A couple of days later Lenna flew there too. They celebrated the New Year’s Eve there and had a rest – Ed.).
What are the New Year’s resolutions?
Piret: I don’t like making borderlines for myself, because I know, that if someone (even myself) forces something on me, i want to do it vice versa. I’d rather go to the new year with my own old principles and try to live my life not disturbing or hurting anyone.
Katrin: I don’t give resolutions, I act!
What are the kinks of the girls?
Lenna and Katrin about Piret:
Our handy front-speaker Piret sometimes likes to twirl in front of the mirror, whereupon we have to wait in queue for her before the concert. In her case, who she is usually quite specific-minded, has a kink of being afraid of taking strict attitude and when needed, setting herself in an war-position. She is usually trying to avoid intrigues and solve the situation by giving up herself. She never brings forth drastic points of view, because she is just too diplomatic. It comes out especially good while giving interviews. But sometimes you just have to impose combatively on your own volition.
Piret and Lenna about Katrin:
Even when we are in a crazy or lame situation and everything is wrong, Kati makes it funny. She is always able to find something good about a bad thing. Her another kink is big, powerful and angry cars. Manly interest about cars she has gotten from his father, who lives in the „world of motors“. And something else – Katrin writes absolutely everything down and she has her own lists. If something’s wrong she always says: „Wait, I’ll watch my list“. If that list disappears, it’s chaos.
Katrin and Piret about Lenna:
Lenna is a girl with an amazing singing voice, in case of, sometimes her variational mind gets confounding. Sometimes when she is dealing with her own stuff really quickly, she forgets to say something very important on. It is noticeable afterwards. Every now and then she is late, sometimes just sleeps in. She is like a little nublu, who fires up because of every little subject and reacts very emotionally about everything. One time she cut her finger, started to bleed and fainted. We heard Lenna screaming, went downstairs to the kitchen and saw Lenna, a peach in one hand and a knife in other, screaming like crazy. We gave her sugar-water and sent her outside to get some fresh air. When we went to watch her outside, the poor thing had fainted.

Quelle: Love-Ninjas

Birds of Peace Release in Latein-Amerika

Broken Records International / Music for Export, wird eventuell sehr bald in Chile und anderen Latein-Amerikanischen Ländern Birds of Peace veröffentlichen. Es wird als Promotion Single für Medien und Radio Stationen im Januar veröffentlicht. Eventuell wird sie ausserdem einen weiteren Song aus Love is War enthalten.

Broken Records International / Music for Export läd ausserdem alle nicht latein-Amerikanischen Fans ein die Single aus Latein-Amerika zu bestellen.

Die Ninjas sind ihre eigenen Manager

Im Februar werden warme Sonnenstrahlen die Wangen der Ninjas liebkosen und ihre Haare werden flammen in dem warmen Wind von Chile. Die Zeitschrift Naised (Frauen) sagt das die Ninjas nun an Latein-Amerika interessiert sind. Neben dem Vina Del Mar Festival in Chile planen die Girls ausserdem eine Tour durch Latein-Amerika, denn sie denken es könnte eine gute Chance sein, nun auch dort ein großer Star zu werden.

Estnische Girls brauchen keinen Manager! Sie kümmern sich selbst um alles. Katrin befasst sich mit dem wirtschaftlichen Zeug, Piret kümmert sich um die Presse und Lenna setzt die Shows zusammen. Jeder tut etwas, nicht der Sklave von jemandem zu sein und nichts kann von einer Person alleine entschieden werden.

Lennas Erfolg

Lennas Song "Saatus naerdes homse toob" ist auf dem 11. Platz in Aastahitt 2007. In Estland ist nun auch ein Album "Laulud tähtedega" veröffentlicht worden, welches Lennas "Fever" enthällt. Es kostet 179 EEK.

Donnerstag, Januar 3

Konzert in Tallinn

VN-VIP hat freundlicher weise das Konzert von 10.12.05 in Tallinn, welches gestern um 02:25 Uhr auf TV3 ausgestrahlt wurde zum Dowload online gestellt.

Hier ist der Link: Video

Pirets Partys

Piret feierte Weihnachten mit ihren Eltern und die restlichen Tage verbrachte sie in Tartu und Kääriku. Dann feierte sie mit den Ninjas und Freunden die Party im Militär Sytle und war im Club Holywood auf der MTV Party. Dort Performte sie mit Lenna und sang 3 Songs. Danach ging sie auf ein paar privat Partys.

Mittwoch, Januar 2

Lenna bei Kaks takti ette final

Kuhu põgenevad hinged ausserhalb Estlands!

Kuhu põgenevad hinged wird auch ausserhalb Estlands erhälltlich sein! Die DVD wird Englische Untertitel enthalten. Sie wird im April 2008 veröffentlicht werden. Mehr dazu dann.

VN und die Party

Lenna, Piret und Katrin feierten eine "Operation Iraq freedom" Party, um ihren Trip in den Irak und das Jahres Ende zu feiern.