Vanilla Ninja girls don't know a lot of Spanish. They sing in English and communication is better this way. But they can speak a bit of Spanish and some bad words too. They know how to say hola (hi), juevon and cerveza, por favor (a beer, please).
"I want to have an experience of playing for a completely new audience and it will be interesting to see a country like Chile, it's an ideal place to come for a show, but I am afraid that I will fall in love with Chile" says Piret.The public of the festival gets very cold if they don't like something, they are considered to be "the Monster". Doesn't it scare you to face him?
"We want to impregnate the emotion of the public, we are told that people are very warm, I can't wait for the time to come there" adds Lenna.
Lenna: Noone counts for the "Mooooonster", but we think that with our music and our enchantment the Monster is going to fall tired on our feet.
Piret: After all we are "Ninjas", we cannot be scared of him.Do you know anything about Chile and the Festival?
Katrin: We have never been to Chile, but what we have seen on Internet - landscapes, the coast, seems to us a phenomenal place. I like to eat fish and seafood and I see that in Chile they have enough of this type of food.
Piret: To be honest I didn't know anything. Everything I knew is that Chile is the longest and thin country worldwide and it is in the south of Latin America. I am very excited to learn more of its culture and its people and everything what is possible.Here we don't know much about Estonia, except that its women are very beautiful as you. Is it an advantage of your career?
Piret: Thanks for a compliment! To be beautiful can be an advantage sometimes, but also it can work in a bad way. Many think that pretty people are idiots, and this prejudiction has already touched us. On the other side we need to recognize what's necessary in good performing apart from only having good music.
Lenna: Perhaps it is certain that the women are very beautiful, but for us also the style in Latin America is very attractive. We are excited to meet the boys, who have to be very charming, we have heard a lot about the "Latin Lovers".
Quelle: Love-Ninjas
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