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Love Ninjas news

Freitag, Oktober 26

Lenna singt wieder ABBAs Songs

This week there is a three-location tour in Estonia called "ABBA Muusika Gaalakontsert" in which Lenna Kuurmaa participates. On October 23, 2007, there was a concert in Tartu, and here are the videos:

1. Lenna Kuurmaa + Mihkel Mattisen: The Winner Takes It All (plus Intro)
2. Lenna Kuurmaa: SOS (plus Intro)
3. Lenna Kuurmaa & Gerli Padar: Fernando (plus Intro)
4. Lenna Kuurmaa & Koit Toome: Waterloo (plus Intro)
5. Lenna Kuurmaa & others: Thank You For The Music (plus Intro)
6. Lenna Kuurmaa & Others: Thank You For The Music Reprise (plus Intro)

All movies © 2007 OÜ Meediaekspress, Estonia / VN-LINN, The International Vanilla Ninja Fanclub
Quelle: Love-Ninjas

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