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VanillaNinja.de.ki Admin

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My trip to India was very adventurous - I hiked from Northern-Goa to Southern-Goa which is very beautiful with its paradise beaches. I met big monkeys, great peacocks, dolphins, giant eagles, sleepy cows, friendly dogs and croaking crows every day. The sun was shining all the time and it was super great to surf with the surfboard. I did hatha-yoga every day and got some teachings from a yoga-guru. I really enjoyed it! I drank fresh juice-shakes (banana-coconut-orange was the best!) and ate fresh shrimps. Lenna joined me at one moment for a while. It was a very fun and cool trip, India is a very different country for its culture and history, everyone should visit it.
- For us it is also surprising. No other Estonian band has made presentations in a country as far away for us as Chile is, but on the other hand we feel fortunate to be recognized by people from a music industry as Chilean Broken Records International and that its producer, Hector Faune have invited us to participate in the Festival of Vińa del Mar. That's why we are very excited that we have contacted and we can visit Chile.You jumped to fame thanks to your participation in the Eurovision Festival. Here sou will also be in a Festival. Do you believe it can also mean to make the jump here in South America?
- We hope that. It would be great to have more Latin American fans. During Festival we hope to know fans from Argentina, Brazil and Chile who knew us through Eurovision. It is a fact that Vanilla Ninja achieved greater fame with our participation in the Eurovision Song Festival in 2005, as currently we participate in the largest Latin American festival. We think that is a great opportunity for us to get to know a new audience. We hope to jump right into this market with our completely different proposal, moving away from a traditional female band.Do you think that your experience in such festivals gives you an advantage over the other competitors?
- We don't know other competitors and neither their music nor where they come from, so it is hard to say if this will be playing advantage. But we can say that in the competition terms, we will give our best on the stage and we'll use our talent and spark in the best way we can. Besides that, we think that each of our performances, either in front of 100 million viewers or of a smaller group of fanatics, prepares us as artists and we've been happy to have lived two experiences so far. Although we must admit that it doesn't mean success. Our trip to Chile is a completely new experience and that's why we don't know how the audience will react to our music after and before our performance. But definitely we'll give our best to make things right.What has been the key to your success? Do you feel that being very attractive girls has helped a lot?
- Thanks for a compliment, but we are sure that we are much more than a pretty appearance, although we have caused a lot of attention for that reason. Our fans have been faithful for quality of our performances, for the music we make and the message that we give, besides that we can seem to be attractive for the audience. That's why we believe that the key to our success is probably the fact that our concept is unique. Not many other female bands can say that on the stage they play a powerful rock and touch their own instruments live. At least in Europe there are not many these kinds of bands, and that gives us the advantage of being more easily recognized.Every year we elect the Queen of the Festival, anyone can become. What do you think of the fact that they already see you as candidates for the crown?
- Being elected for a queen of the festival would be a huge fulfilled for us and we would be proud of having reached the affection of the people, together with Chileans'' captivate with the music we make. In fact it would be fantastic, Ninjaqueens!Apart from coming to sing, what else do you think to do in these sides? What do you expect from the Chilean audience?
- We hope to have enough time to know and enjoy Chile, all its sites. We have heard that they are beautiful. We have never been to Chile or elsewhere in South America, but we have always dreamed of traveling to there. We hope to enjoy as much as possible on this trip, but we have a busy schedule during the festival. That's why we hope that the Chilean audience is prepared to meet us, friendly and animated. We love the music we do and that's why we plan to pass very well with our performance at the festival and in our passage through Chile. We also invite people to visit our official website: vanillaninja.cl where you can listen to our song "Birds Of Peace" that competes in the Festival of Vina del Mar, see our pictures and watch videos also. Let's meet for a few more days in Vina!
Lenna: We created the name together with our primer producer, at the beginning we were fascinated by the word "Ninja" having this mix of tough and cool. As a "Ninja" alone, it was very common, so we decided to put "Vanilla" because we are all blondes . "Ninja" describes the sounds of our music. It is highly powerful and leaves a nocaut without your knowing.What do you know about Festival de Vińa?
Katrin: We know that it's the most important event of this kinds in Latin America. Many artists have made their career spears this way. This is very significant for us and we want you to know us in the Latin market. We know also, that Vińa del Mar is a beautiful place. We want to see places that so far we have seen only per Internet.Seize an opportunity to visit a Vińa, but people on Festival will listen to the show of astists rather than competitors. So they can play more against than favour in terms of promotion.
Piret: We can only say that we're going to give our best on the stage in Vińa. Vanilla Ninja is characterized by this delivery, what will happen beyond that will depend on how the audience absorbs what we are offering with our composition.You're very beautiful women and they already say that they want you as a candidate for a title of queens of Festival. Request that comes closer to the show business than music competition. Are you willing to participate in this beauty instance?
Katrin: Definitely, we would love to be a queens! Indeed I believe that any girl in the world would reject the idea of being able to become a queen. We are anxious to get to Chile, and it's very soon finally.Song "I Know" from disc "Blue Tattoo" tells about a violence in a couple and in video, there is a man hitting a woman very much. In Chile in 2007 died more than 60 women murdered by their partners. What is your position there, dealing with reality? Does it happen in Estonia also?
Piret: Sure that these problems also exist here, although almost nobody talks about it. We believe that men who dare to hit women, are not a real men. It is an issue that gives so much in our case and with respect to the song "I Know", we wanted to put it on the table in the video because unfortunately it is something that happens, but the problem isn't always known.Are you going to promote song "Birds Of Peace" during staying in Vińa Del Mar?
Lenna: We hope to have enough time to promote our single in several places. We are positive that you'll like "Birds Of Peace". If you want to listen, you can visit our Spanish website (www.vanillaninja.cl), you can listen to our single there, watch our videos and get to know us a little bit closer.Are you coming here with some special look, considering what fashion to bring for Festival, for example black hair from the video "Blue Tattoo"?
Piret: We'll definitely remain in our blond hair, at the moment we're all blondes. But we will provide a lot of attention to our costumes used on the stage. We are in touch with a fashion designer in Estonia who's is very good. What we can promise that with her we'll look precious, rocky and different.How to define your music and what are your influences?
Katrin: We call our music as a "Pop-Rock". You can feel it as a pop music, but with many elements of rock, or vice versa, rock music, with a pop touch.Do you know some Chilean artists or South American?
Lenna: For now we don't know any Chilean artists, but we're sure that in Vińa we'll know more than one. We have got references from Latin artists as Shakira and Ricky Martin, for example, who are famous here in Europe.Are you unmarried? Do you have boyfriends and what do they think of your career? If you have got partners, is it hard to keep relationship during work, travels, etc.?
Piret: It's true that being a music artist and having a love-relationship at the same time is hard. But if there are true feelings and mutual trust between partners, then relationship can work well. Being away from home all the time makes you think of this what really matters in life. We know for sure that there's nothing more important than family, friends, place they always arrive to - your home. Without them we would be lost.
Durch die Brille des Humors im Radio: Mit wem hat Lenna heute nacht geschlafen?
Die begehrenswerte Vanilla-Ninja-Sängerin Lenna Kuurmaa (22) hat alle Nase lang einen neuen Liebhaber. Nach den eigenen Worten der Sängerin sind solche Meldungen darüber, dass sie mit jemanden zusammen sein soll, lächerlich und es überrascht fast sie nichts mehr.
Die heutige Kroonika schreibt über eine Nachrichtenbombe, die in der Musikwelt einschlug, nämlich dass Karl-Kristjan (17) von den Bedwetters eine Nacht mit Lenna verbracht hätte. Dies schloss der Journalist daraus, dass Karl-Kristjan sich mit Lenna nach einer langen Partynacht im Taxi zu Lenna fahren ließ, um dort zu übernachten.
Da Lenna eine von den Präsentatoren der Sendung "Soovisaade" ("Wunschsendung") bei Radio Sky Plus ist, hatte sie die Möglichkeit, zu diesem Thema selbst Stellung zu nehmen. Dies tat sie dann auch vor der Sendung am Ende von "Neljast seitsmeni" ("Von vier bis sieben").
Lenna dementierte, dass sie eine Nacht mit ihm verbracht hätte. "Wenn er sich Tätovierungen auf die Hände machen und sich die Haare schwarz färben würde, wäre er nach meinem Geschmack", stellte sie sich Kart-Kristjan humorvoll vor.
Darauf scherzten die Moderatoren Vaido und Kertu: "Lenna, mit wem hast Du heute Nacht geschlafen?"
"Mit dem Supermann Savisaar", antwortete Lenna darauf.
In einem früheren Interview soll Lenna der Kroonika gesagt haben, dass sie als junge Frau einen Weg suche, wie sie für Männer ein unwiderstehlicher Leckerbissen sein könne. "Dies habe ich niemals gesagt!" sagte der Ninja-Star.
Quelle: VN-VIP