Vanilla Ninja brings rock to the Quinta
(Quinta Vergara is the park where the festival is held).
An Estonian trio wants to be a surprise of Vina del Mar Festival. By Francisco Díaz-Valdés.
Three beautiful and blonde women in one band? A lot of people thought that Vanilla Ninja is a new band, commercially armed, who each time fall down. But this Estonian band has already shown, with almost 6 years of career and 4 successful albums, that they're much more than this and that's why they're ready to come for Festival of Vińa del mar, where they participate in the international song competition.
There's a possibility that someone will say that they are only pretty faces, but they can defend their proposal. “We're those who started the band. We knew each other in high school. We're a band that write their own songs and we do really live performances. We have got something to say, a message to communicate and our difference. Bands who are only commercially, usually can't do anything only on their own and their success tends to fade after a short time”. They explained through an e-mail.
They're happy to come to our country, which in their minds is like “a country with incredible climate and a natural beauty. Now it's winter in Estonia, pretty cold, with a lot of snow and the sun rises hardly any. You can imagine yourselves how excited we are because of coming to your country in which we'll be able to enjoy a bit of summer.”
In Europe they've already been compared to Good Charlotte, Lenny Kravitz, Pink and Black Eyed Peas but that does not leave anything for calm. “It's always very interesting to get a new audience, and why not Latin American? It seems to be warm, friendly crowded. We didn't have time to go there” they said.
They have already put fear by the famous monster of the Quinta Vergara (audience), but they want to show that rock music is also able to win the competition generally tied to more romantic part of the world. “We're trying to be ourselves and give the best of us by our music. Maybe also in Chile our appearance will seem atractive and interesting. We've got a proposal with the music that we move to you. That's why it's the best way to conquer new audience by the doing something better: touch of good rock music.” After Chile the band plans to visit Brazil, the place where they've already released CDs few years ago.
Pending arrival is on 18th February at 09:00 am and we give you a video of song “Birds Of Peace” with which they're participating in a contest.
Quelle: Love-Ninjas
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