Vanilla Ninja, from Estonia to Vińa "Our music leaves a nocaut!"
They are real wrists of music and they call out to be a rivals of Chilean and Argentinean candidates to get crowned as a queens of the next Festival. Lenna, Piret and Katrin form an Estonian trio that participates in an international competition representing their distant country with the song "Birds Of Peace".
Rarely participants of Festival De Vińa draw attention. They do it only when some of them is beautiful or eccentricity of others incites lenses of the cameras to capture the full artistic slaughter or at the gala opening, which is the place where they all exploit their attributes out-of-scenary. Not talking but by the songs, because it takes much time and subject of festival's competition doesn't get into the programmatic grills of radios or music programs in television. As an example. The last radio success of a theme winner of an international competition was in year 2001. At that time Raly Barrionuevo won that version of Festival with the song 'Ayer te vi' featured singer Víctor Heredia. But every year is renewed hope to see a real level of competition with established artists, both in Chile and other parts of the world. In that sense Estonia, one of the classified countries, bets all chips to a band that although in this part of world is not yet known, have got great merits to be one of the winning cards, giving their musical experience in Europe. It's all about Lenna, Piret and Katrin, better known as Vanilla Ninja, a trio of great interpreters on an European and Asian continent enjoying good-degree of popularity thanks to career with leading four discs on their credit: "Vanilla Ninja" (2003), "Traces Of Sadness" (2004), "Blue Tattoo" (2005), "Love Is War" (2006). In their native Estonia they're the most famous band since its formation in 2002, although a year later they've won recognition from specialized press and the young audience.
Seeing their photographs, most seem to be the last conquest of the best European designer, but these girls have proved to be more than perfect faces and bodies. In their songs they approached from romantic themes to classical cases of social relevance as violence against women, something that nowadays is leading in Chile - at a sad ranking of women murdered by their partners.
About all that they talk to VEA from Tallinn, capital of Estonia, town of 443.000 inhabitants and where they're already preparing themselves for this trip which includes participation in our Festival, but also a strategic starting point to get a Latino market.
Why the name "Vanilla Ninja"?
Lenna: We created the name together with our primer producer, at the beginning we were fascinated by the word "Ninja" having this mix of tough and cool. As a "Ninja" alone, it was very common, so we decided to put "Vanilla" because we are all blondes . "Ninja" describes the sounds of our music. It is highly powerful and leaves a nocaut without your knowing.What do you know about Festival de Vińa?
Katrin: We know that it's the most important event of this kinds in Latin America. Many artists have made their career spears this way. This is very significant for us and we want you to know us in the Latin market. We know also, that Vińa del Mar is a beautiful place. We want to see places that so far we have seen only per Internet.Seize an opportunity to visit a Vińa, but people on Festival will listen to the show of astists rather than competitors. So they can play more against than favour in terms of promotion.
Piret: We can only say that we're going to give our best on the stage in Vińa. Vanilla Ninja is characterized by this delivery, what will happen beyond that will depend on how the audience absorbs what we are offering with our composition.You're very beautiful women and they already say that they want you as a candidate for a title of queens of Festival. Request that comes closer to the show business than music competition. Are you willing to participate in this beauty instance?
Katrin: Definitely, we would love to be a queens! Indeed I believe that any girl in the world would reject the idea of being able to become a queen. We are anxious to get to Chile, and it's very soon finally.Song "I Know" from disc "Blue Tattoo" tells about a violence in a couple and in video, there is a man hitting a woman very much. In Chile in 2007 died more than 60 women murdered by their partners. What is your position there, dealing with reality? Does it happen in Estonia also?
Piret: Sure that these problems also exist here, although almost nobody talks about it. We believe that men who dare to hit women, are not a real men. It is an issue that gives so much in our case and with respect to the song "I Know", we wanted to put it on the table in the video because unfortunately it is something that happens, but the problem isn't always known.Are you going to promote song "Birds Of Peace" during staying in Vińa Del Mar?
Lenna: We hope to have enough time to promote our single in several places. We are positive that you'll like "Birds Of Peace". If you want to listen, you can visit our Spanish website (, you can listen to our single there, watch our videos and get to know us a little bit closer.Are you coming here with some special look, considering what fashion to bring for Festival, for example black hair from the video "Blue Tattoo"?
Piret: We'll definitely remain in our blond hair, at the moment we're all blondes. But we will provide a lot of attention to our costumes used on the stage. We are in touch with a fashion designer in Estonia who's is very good. What we can promise that with her we'll look precious, rocky and different.How to define your music and what are your influences?
Katrin: We call our music as a "Pop-Rock". You can feel it as a pop music, but with many elements of rock, or vice versa, rock music, with a pop touch.Do you know some Chilean artists or South American?
Lenna: For now we don't know any Chilean artists, but we're sure that in Vińa we'll know more than one. We have got references from Latin artists as Shakira and Ricky Martin, for example, who are famous here in Europe.Are you unmarried? Do you have boyfriends and what do they think of your career? If you have got partners, is it hard to keep relationship during work, travels, etc.?
Piret: It's true that being a music artist and having a love-relationship at the same time is hard. But if there are true feelings and mutual trust between partners, then relationship can work well. Being away from home all the time makes you think of this what really matters in life. We know for sure that there's nothing more important than family, friends, place they always arrive to - your home. Without them we would be lost.

Quelle: Love-Ninjas
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